Welcome to Brahma Valley College of Technical Education (Polytechnic).  

Electronics & Telecommunication

Electronics & Telecommunication




Prof. L.V Jadhav
B.E. (E&TC) , M.E.(E&TC) Appeared

Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering branch deals with analog and digital transmission and reception of data, voice, and videos, Basic electronics, Solid state devices, Microprocessor, Microcontroller, Satellite communication, Microwave engineering, Antennas and Microwave propagation. It deals with the manufacturing of Electronics devices, Circuits and Communication equipment’s. It aims deepen the knowledge and skills of the students on the basic concepts and theories that will equip them in their professional work involving analysis, system implementation, operation, production and maintenance of various applications in the field of E&Tc engineering.

Electronics & Telecommunication departments started with the institute in August 2006. It’s an important department as far as the modern technology for Television, Telephone, Cell phone, Robotics etc are concerned.

There are seven labs in this department’s namely basic electronics lab, applied electronics lab, Digital technology and microprocessor lab, Communication lab, Advance communication lab and Instrumentation Lab. Every lab is equipped with all types of components and instruments for conducting practical in the different Labs. There are CRO, DSO, Function Generator, TV Trainer, FAX Demonstrator, and Microwave Test Bench. In short this is the vital department of modern technology and also for space communication technology.

  Designed By: team@Computer Technology Dept..